Realizing the potential of chatbots and language models
Realise the potential of AI
Our exceptional team helps you discover and implement solutions tailored to your business
What Sets Us Apart
We transform businesses through cutting-edge solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLM).
Business Enhancement through AI
Explore the possibilities of AI and LLM as we collaborate to identify opportunities for improvement within your business. We customize solutions to seamlessly integrate these technologies into your operations.
Tailored Use Cases
No two businesses are alike. Our experts craft unique use cases that align with your objectives, from streamlining processes to enhancing customer experiences.
Data Analytics for Actionable Insights
Maximise the potential of your data with our advanced analytics services. Gain actionable insights that empower informed decision-making and drive business growth.
Discover, Describe, Implement: LLM Solutions
Explore the possibilities of AI and LLM as we collaborate to identify opportunities for improvement within your business. We customize solutions to seamlessly integrate these technologies into your operations.
Meet Our Team
Our strength lies in the diverse and dedicated team that drives our mission forward.
Martin Ågerup
Co-founder and CEOErfaren leder af vidensorganisationer. Tidligere direktør for den borgerlige tænketank CEPOS. Formand for Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning og medlem af bestyrelsen i Den Berlingske Fond og i Johan Schrøders Fond. Martin er Bachelor of Science i økonomi og økonomisk historie fra University of Bristol samt MA i økonomi fra University of Exeter.
Færdigheder: Projekt-, proces- og forandringsledelse. Samfundsudvikling og erhvervstrends.
Jeppe Kløft
Head of DevelopmentBSc i Nanoscience. Erfaren softwareudvikler med speciale i datamining, anvendt statistik, videnskabelig databehandling, front- og backend-udvikling.
Færdigheder: Softwareudvikling – DevOps, CI/CD, projektledelse. Flere programmeringssprog inkl. Python og SQL.
Mattia Opper
Research ScientistPh.d.-studerende ved Institute for Language Cognition and Computation, University of Edinburgh. Arbejder på at skabe mere effektive maskinlæringsarkitekturer gennem kognitivt inspirerede induktive biases. Supervisors: Siddharth Narayanaswamy og Ivan Titov. Brancheerfaring med udvikling af LLM-baserede RAG-systemer.
Færdigheder: Python, Java, Pytorch, DGL, Geoopt, HF-transformere, NLTK, Langchain, Spacy, Flask.
Nicholas Clark
Founder and PartnerErfaren analyseleder. 10+ års professionel erfaring med kvantitative metoder og data science, herunder flere års ledererfaring inden for data science med HR-ansvar. Nicholas er en Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), samt Cand. Polit. og Cand. Scient. Innovations-track record i initiering og operationalisering af nye machine learning use-cases.
Kompetencer: Projektledelse (har med succes styret et stort antal IT-projekter).
Dmitriy Nielsen
Research ScientistBSc i Machine Learning og Data Science fra Københavns Universitet og læser i øjeblikket en Cand.Stat. i statistik på Københavns Universitet med fokus på data science, machine learning, diffusionsprocesser og diffusionsmodeller.
Færdigheder: Python, R, SQL, F#, C, C++, Git, NumPy, PyTorch/Torch-lightning, Pyro, Pandas, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, Langchain, Linux/Unix.
Vytis Baranauskas
Head of DesignMed to årtiers dedikeret erfaring inden for det dynamiske område af design og visuel kommunikation, er Vytis en erfaren professionel, der konsekvent har rykket grænserne for kreativitet og innovation. Vytis har grader i multimediedesign og kommunikation og produktudvikling og integrative teknologier, hvilket bringer en unik blanding af kreativitet og funktionalitet til hvert projekt.
Færdigheder: Designtænkning, UX&UI, Branding & Identitet, Visuelt design, Kreativ strategi, Procesoptimering for designeffektivitet.
Poul Oddershede
Senior AdvisorSardana Ivanova
Research ScientistLate-stage ph.d.-forsker ved Institut for Datalogi ved Helsinki Universitet. Sardana har indleveret sin afhandling til forsvar i marts 2024. Afhandlingens titel er ” Language technology tools for low-resource languages—five cases for Sakha, Norwegian, and Finnish”.
Færdigheder: Python, Deep learning frameworks (PyTorch, Keras, HuggingFace Transformers), NLTK, SpaCy, Langchain.
Our success is fuelled by diverse expertise:
PhD-Level Expertise in Large Language Models
Benefit from the highest level of expertise as our team brings advanced language technologies to the forefront of your projects.
Project Management Excellence
Ensure seamless project execution from concept to completion with our seasoned project management professionals.
Business Trends Savvy
Stay ahead of the curve with our team’s deep understanding of current business trends, providing forward-thinking solutions.
Data Analytics Prowess
Transform raw data into meaningful insights with our professionals’ extensive experience in data analytics.
Book a talk with Martin Ågerup
Realizing the potential of chatbots and language models
The talk is aimed at management and employees from companies and organizations who want inspiration on how to create value with chatbots and language models.
Get inspired by real-world examples where using language models has driven innovation, efficiency and profitability – from streamlining internal processes to improving customer experiences.
Learn how to think of AI as a tangible tool that can be strategically integrated into the business and ensure a competitive advantage in the future.
Join us on a transformative journey to redefine success together.
We are more than a service provider; we are your strategic partners in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology and business.